what is a digital content creator
Unquestionably, the digital world thrives on content. It’s the first thing you’ll see when you visit a page, compelling you to act on the information encapsulated in the content. Indeed, content is powerful enough to attract the attention of the right people. This is why you need to direct the users to your content, and who better do that than digital content creators?
Sure, you are asking: Who are the digital content creators? What value can they bring to my brand? Where can I find them? Are they the same as influencers? A digital content creator makes content for a target audience. The content these creators produce can be educational, inspirational, entertaining, and awe-inspiring. Definitely, the content should be appealing, interesting, and impactful.
When the service of a digital content creator is commissioned, it is understood that she’d be making content based on ideas that will affect the purchasing decision-making process of the target audience. It all boils down to the narrative and the storytelling, and of course, the relativity of the content creator that drives this audience to take action.
Now, the challenge lies in finding suitable digital content creators who can spread good quality content about your brand. Gushcloud Agency has a pool of hirable digital content creators.
differences between content creators and influencers
Virtually all influencers are content creators, but not all digital content creators regard themselves as influencers. Evidently, there is a thin line that separates an influencer from a digital content creator.
An influencer influences his throngs of followers somehow, some way, in his chosen niche. Then, he uses that influence to convince others to do something on behalf of a brand such as following its social pages, sharing a post, or making a purchase. Therefore, an influencer has three things: influence, following, and niche.
A digital content creator creates content for various platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, WordPress, and more. The goal of the creators is to contribute new information that is consumed through the chosen digital platform. So the content these creators generate is contextual. A digital content creator targets a defined audience or end-user to engage them using content.
Content is their intersect, though the intentions of the two generally vary. As such, working with content creators and influencers will produce different marketing outcomes. Bottom line, creators are as effective as influencers.

digital content creation framework
Digital content creators don’t just create for the sake of creating. Instead, creators follow a content creation framework.
Online is a pool of self-proclaimed influencers who have nothing to show for how they can bring the desired results. At times, despite excessive onboarding, the mismatch often shows. No dissing here but no brand should work with these “influencers.” And we should know because, at Gushcloud, we can readily know which influencers would bring value to your business.
We have an in-house pool of influencers, each of whom are carefully evaluated based on their reach and other relevant metrics. Additionally, Gushcloud has cultivated good relationships with influencers with suitable metrics to back up influence claims.
Creating is the primary process. During this stage, the created content is checked and rechecked before publishing or going live. This process entails going back and forth until the brand requirements, for instance, are satisfied or when the content satisfactorily passes platform-specific reviews. Content can be created or co-created.
Distributing the newly created content is necessary for amplification. Some content is designed for a particular platform (e.g., YouTube videos, Pinterest pins, tweets, etc.). Other content can be cross-promoted (i.e., Facebook and Instagram). This is where the role of influencers comes in, pushing the content to their followers if it’s relevant to do so.
Monitoring and measuring the results is the last stage, the goal of which is to track the impact of the distributed content. It will be measured against the metrics set during the planning stage. How the content pares against these metrics will define the success of the content. This also allows for iteration.
different types of content a digital content creator can create
There are several forms of digital content. Nonetheless, the three most popular types are social, vlog, and blog.
social content
Social content is intended for social sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Social content is the most diverse, whereby content creators may distribute images, videos, blog links, and more. Additional features such as accompanying captions and hashtags are provided free of charge. Users can consume social content 24/7, and so it should be as appealing and engaging.
vlog content
A portmanteau of video and blog/log, vlog content is a blog but is in video format. Topics are endless, although expert commentary, product review, tutorial guide, and music performance are most common. New categories such as prank and lyric videos are constantly emerging. This content is typically hosted on video-sharing networking sites. YouTube is the most popular site where channels and videos can be monetized.
blog content
Blog content is textual content hosted on a website or web page. It was originally referred to as a personal homepage where one documents his whereabouts a la diary or journal. Today, blog content serves a personal or business purpose.
different types of content a digital content creator can create
There are several forms of digital content. Nonetheless, the three most popular types are social, vlog, and blog.
visual content creators
These content creators use visuals in conveying a message or telling a story. They start with a conceptual idea, which could be a written manuscript, with which they will base the visual. Embracing the designer’s eye, some visual creators repurpose written content graphically. Since they mainly create visual communication, they are generally out-of-the box thinkers.
Examples: Vloggers, designers, graphic artists, illustrators, social media influencers, latte artists, muralists, tattoo artists, DIYers, crafters, YouTubers
textual content creators
Textual content creators thrive on the written text in sending a message across. They are wordsmiths, explaining a topic verbally and covering it in greater detail and depth. Thus, research skills are fundamental to their skill set.
Examples: Bloggers, captioners, writers, novelists, journalists, data scientists
professional content creators
Professional content creators are experts in their field or niche. People seek their content because of its value, solving their struggles and pain points. Professional creators provide practicable perspectives and insights. They thrive on opportunities to share invaluable knowledge with others.
Examples: Networkers, speakers, marketers
curated content and how it differs from content creation
When it comes to digital content creation, there are two major approaches: original content and curated content. It boils down to creation versus curation.
Original content
Original content is what it is一content that is created from scratch. Original content highlights what you or your brand can offer that other brands cannot. You want to share your body of work with others because they will benefit from it. With this, original content creation requires expertise, time, and effort.
Curated content
Curated content is all the content owned by others that you shared on your digital assets. The key term here is curated, which means the content you intend to share aligns with your brand and its products and services, among others. Curated content requires no effort on your part whatsoever. Nonetheless, if you want to share your insights about the content you want to share, this is known as creative curation.
Created and curated content can be combined to give more dynamics to the brand’s digital assets.
content creation skills that brands are looking for
Whether the digital content creator works with a brand or not, she must possess the necessary skills to make her content game stand out. Successful content creators have these.
Data analysis
frequently asked questions (FAQs)
What content do creators create?
Content creators create just about any content type you can think of. They think differently, thanks to their creative juices.
Some of the content types creators tackle are: Artwork • Article • Blog posts • Podcast • Brochure • Catalog • E-book • Chart • Short film • Graph • Graphic Photo • Infographic • Product copy • Social update • Video • White paper • Series • Longform • List • How-to • Template • Kit • GIF • Meme • Many more
What is cross-purpose content, and should I use it for my brand?
Cross-purpose content refers to content that can be used or published across multiple platforms. For example, it may start with an article, which is then turned into an infographic or podcast and published on another platform other than the website or blog.
Cross-purposing content aims to maximize the production cost per content, reaching more of the target audience at a minimal cost as possible. With this said, brands should be using more cross-purposed content instead of creating new content from scratch every time. In fact, it can use one main content that is transformed into different content types and distributed staggered throughout the campaign.
What is the desirable followership of a content creator to hire?
Digital content creators need not have followership, although they should if they double as influencers. When this happens, the content creator must have at least 6,000 followers to be considered a micro-influencer. Even this number is not a hard rule, only a guide.
Nonetheless, the higher the volume of followers, the better.
How are digital content creators compensated?
Digital content creators are compensated differently, depending on their work arrangements. Independent content creators earn commensurate with how their content performs. For example, if you distribute podcasts, the CPM is about $18 to $25 per 1,000 listeners. On the other hand, YouTube creators earn between $2,000 and $4,000 per 1 million views.
What is Gushcloud influencers’ content creation process?
The Studios team of Gushcloud partners with our content creators to strategise and create content relevant to them and to their audience. Together, we look at their demographics and past content to see what resonates with their viewers the most. We also look at where they can grow and get new people to enjoy the content that they make. From there, we make a content strategy that takes into account our content creator’s interest, persona, and growth. In some cases, the team also helps shoot content aside from the usual post-production service. This occurs when a local Studios team is in the area as one of our content creators.
Should I hire a digital content creator freelance instead?
If you constantly need fresh quality content, it would be wise to hire an in-house content creator or outsource to an expert. Nonetheless, make sure that who you hire will perform and deliver. At Gushcloud, we ensure that our digital creators will do that. Moreover, we provide them with the resources to finish the content needed.